Okoa New Generation (ONG) is a Tanzanian, non-governmental organization that is private, voluntary, non-partisan and not for profit, registered here in Tanzania 2014, under the registration number 00NGO/0000708, The organization operates nationally with the aim to improve the standard of life people living under poverty line with focus to women, youth, children and PWDs.

The head office is in Arusha town Kijenge area, ONG has in place strong financial management system and qualified personnel in the program designing and implementation. Those features reflect that the organization has the required ability to manage significant amounts of funds and related resources. Not only that but also, our governance structure ensures maximum financial transparency and accountability. The organization has strong experience of partnership, collaboration and working with small, medium and large sized CSOs, Donor organizations and Government in project and program development both at local and national level

Our Mission

To promote inclusive socio-economic empowerment and right based participation of the marginalized community particularly women, youth, children and PWDs for sustainable development

Our Vision

ONG envisages a just, democratic and inclusive society, free from poverty.

Our Core Values






Community Oriented

Team work




Our Target Group

Youth and adolescent girls



PWDs (People with disabilities)

Our Partners