Our Approach

Empowerment Approach. The organization put emphasis on the empowerment approach, which enables building capacity to the beneficiaries and communities which cultivates knowledge, skills and confidence to be able to drive their agenda, influencing decisions, policies and practices, also be able to hold government accountable on public service delivery

Participatory and Inclusion approach. ONG also is putting emphasis on participatory and inclusive approach for inclusion of vulnerable groups in the community. The concept of inclusion and participation are regarded throughout the implementation of the program and project. The beneficiaries and community are involved in every step of the program/project from the conception, implementation and evaluation the program/project including being involved in key decisions.

Using Groups and Peers

In the implementation of the programs/projects ONG facilitates beneficiaries to establish groups and support them to register and develop strong governance structures and offering them training in different topics. The approach is used to ensure adequate financial and time management to achieve program and project objectives. ONG believe groups-based approach is reinforce skills that are relevant to both group and individual work and will stimulate team work, creativity, sharing of experience, socio-economic opportunities and joint efforts to address group members challenges. Okoa New Generation also use peer to peer education in the implementation of youth and girl’s program/project. Peer education is used whereby well-trained and motivated young people undertake informal or organized educational activities with their peers in different topics to those who are similar to themselves in age, background, or interests

Business case model

ONG use business cases model in the implementation of livelihood program and project. The approach enables inclusion of different stakeholders in the value chain, market system and public service providers, The organization through participatory way develop business ideas suitable for beneficiaries (Women, Youth and PWDs). During the early stages of the livelihood program/project, ONG work with beneficiaries to develop business case per each business idea selected by beneficiaries. Preparation of business cases involves an assessment of:

  • (i) business problem or opportunity
  • (ii) benefits
  • (iii) risks
  • (iv) costs including investment required
  • (v) technical solutions
  • (vi) timescale
  • (vii) impact on operations
  • (viii) capacity required to deliver the outcomes.